CA Council Blog

Welcome to the CA Council of IAIP Blog - a place for members to voice their opinions and suggest ways to make our association the best it can be!!!

2019 Leadership Summit

The 2019 Leadership Summit was held on Saturday July 20th at the Doubletree Club in Santa Ana.

There were 33 Attendees which included two potential new members. There were at least three members attending their first Leadership Summit.  We were all L.I.N.K.E.D.

Christine Chandler Tillett, PHR, CLP, CA Council Director was the presiding officer and did a great job.

The agenda included presentations of all the letters in the word L.I.N.K.E.D.

Leadership Presentation by Christine Chandler Tillett, PHR, CLP

Christine went over the benefits of being a leader and the qualities of a good leader. 

Followed by a team building exercise where we had to build a structure by only communicating with our runners and then the telephone communication with other members. 

Gail Novelich and Kristina Lee presented a brainstorming activity focusing on Involvement and Knowledge

·         How can I get involved

·         Working at events

·         Education

·         Educational courses

·         Attend a regional conference

·         Hosting a council and or regional meeting

Mitula Patel, CLP presented on Networking

Importance of networking

·        What is networking

·        Why we should network

·        Networking groups

Elevator speeches presented on team levels at tables.

Gina Thomas Patterson, CISR Elite, CPIW, DAE, CLP presented on Education

·         Why should we do real continuing education

·         IAIP Course Offerings

·         Designation Programs

·         CWC

·         Selling Essentials

Regina Lemanowicz presented on Development and Awards

·          Importance of getting awards submissions in ontime

·          IAIP Resume – keep current

·          Follow the Criteria of the award category for the essay

·         Check the word count on the essay, one word can make a difference.  

·         Proofread and Proofread again

Brooke Lesniak presented a Council Director Challenge to members.  For every Yes answer you took one link and the attendee with the longest link was the winner and was presented a nice prize. The winner, Marcella Beasley had 22 links followed by Dawn Manzano with 21 links.

Council Team Presentations:

Dawn Manzano, CISR- challenged all chapters to communicate and think Outside the Box on Public Relations Ideas

Jenny Schaeffler , AIC, ARM– advised membership contest details will be following

Christine Chandler Tillett, PHR, CLP – challenged to start a new chapter this upcoming year.

Fund raising Tables were hosted by Members at Large, Insurance Professionals of Los Angeles County and South Bay Association of Insurance Professionals.

The following members announced their candidacy:  The elections will take place at the upcoming Council meeting in October.

Regina Lemanowicz –IPOC-Public Relations Chair Elect

Kari Woods-IPLA - Council Director Elect

Dawn Manzano-SDAIP - Council Director Elect

Susana Baja -MAL– Membership Chair Elect

Marcella Beasley- IAOF –Membership Chair Elect

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